Thursday, December 31, 2009

Starting the New Year Right!

I had forgotten to mention in my last post that this following year comes with some high expectations for myself.  I have goals and these are my goals!

1.  Increasing my Brown Bag Party team
2.  Increasing the parties I have with Brown Bag Party
3.  Increasing my sales with Brown Bag Party.

I can do these things and have a plan set as to how I'm going to achieve these goals.  I've already got 8 parties on the book for January and will work at making sure they hold and are productive.  Remember, If you'd like to know more about Brown Bag Party, just drop me a line and I'll share with you this wonderful company!

Brown Bag Party is the way!

Gotta love my job!  I can work when I want, and take time off when I want without having to worry about it affecting my pay!  Today is New Years Eve and I'm taking the rest of the day off to prepare for our little gathering this evening.  I hope you are all enjoying the holidays!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

With the eve of Christmas here, I want to reflect on the past year and where it stood in my life.  Many changes happened this past year, not all good.  It's time to look back at them and decide how I want them to affect my life and the year to come.  Will I make them experiences that I learn from, or will I allow them to be negativity in my life? 

Ah, yes, that is the question most people ask themselves each year. And each year, people make resolutions to change their life when the new year rolls around.  Unfortunately, most people never stick to those resolutions.  Making a commitment is one thing, seeing it through is quite another.  You need determination and drive for that.  Will power so to speak.  The great Vince Lombardi said..."The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will". 

Will, what exactly is it and how can I use it in my life?  How do I make it stronger if I realize it's weak?  I'm sure many are like me and have great will power.  That last cookie, that last piece of cake, that chocolate craving we give into and then reason it out with, well, next time.  This is all will power.  If I continually give in to my chocolate craving, my will power is not where I want it to be.  And this is overflowing into other areas of my life.  Including my business.

I googled 'how to increase your will power' and came up with so many different ideas, from palmtherapy to brushing your teeth with your non-dominate hand.  Hey, anything is worth a try and anything worth having is worth fighting for.  I truly believe this.  So this year, for the next few weeks, I'm going to try something new to help increase my will power.  I have goals for the coming year and many of them do revolve around my being able to overcome my it food, drink, cigarettes, or even laziness, I want to overcome them.  By phrasing it this way, it's easier to work for, to strive for.  If I were to say, "I'm going to lose all this weight this year", well, to me, that is a daunting task.  But if I approach it with "I'm going to strive to overcome this food craving" it sounds easier.  It's all how you approach it.  Make your dreams come true in an approachable manner.  Power of words, so to speak.

As we step into the coming year, I leave you with this thought.  How are you going to overcome your shortgivings this year?  Are you a goal setter, and are they realistic or fanatical dreams?  Do you have steps in place as to how you will acheive them?  A outline of what you want for your life this coming year?  Have you evaluated your life lately and determined you want it to change?  If you have, remember, change starts within.  YOU have to take the steps and do the work.  It won't change unless you do.  You can do it!  I know I can, and I know it's going to be a long road to be where I want to be, but I also have that road map.

My goals for this year are simple.  I want to overcome my food cravings, overcome my body image, and improve my financial life through my business.  I can do it, it's all a matter of stepping up and facing whatever fear there is with it.  W. Clement Stone says it best....
"No matter how carefully you plan your goals, they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto".  Create a mantra to use each day.  "I am an achiever.  I am wealthy beyond measure.  I have strong will power.  I am a beautiful, intelligent, and wealthy person.  I can achieve all things"

Happy holidays to all and may the new year see a new you! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Where did all the bitterness come from??

I've spent the last few hours googling Brown Bag Party and placing on line ads where I didn't have any. I came across some nasty stuff and wanted to reply to it, but decided the best place to do so was here. That way, I'm not stuck in the middle of a nasty debate and getting myself all riled up.

So, to dispel all the crap that is going around on line, here are some thoughts to help you distinguish truth from crap.

1. Where are the facts?
Most of the time when you see negative stuff floating around online, there are no facts to back them up. Sure they will keep saying 'they' as a whole, but who exactly are they? Where are the facts to back up what they are saying. Where formal complaints filed? Do they have copies of them or are they just blowing off steam?
2. If they left, why all the negativity?
Now I know that it's easy to get wrapped up in being upset over something that happened. I've had a very rough week (one reason for no posts), but it doesn't do anything but keep the pot stirred, so to speak, when you keep posting negative stuff. If you left, leave it at that. If you are concerned for others, fine, but there is a way to post your concern so as not to come off as a negative nilly.
3. If you say negative crap about some company that upsets you, how do I know you won't say it about me if I upset you?
It all comes down to the same ol' school yard stuff. You tick me off, I talk about you badly behind your back, and so the circle starts. It's a never ending circle. There is always 3 sides to every story....his/hers/truth. And it's not always easy to find the third.
4. Where can I find the truth?
This is probably the hardest for you to find. Sometimes you need to form your own opinion but base it on fact. What is being sprouted on line, especially when it comes from an unreptutable site, is biased and not fact. So where do you go for fact? Easy, find information on companies in sites that deal with finacials,and that kind of stuff such as
This will give you an overview of the company as a whole. Remember, people make up the company, and with any company you will have that bad apple that gives it a sour taste in your mouth. But most of the time, that bad apple has already fallen off the tree and is rotting on the ground. In other words, they are no longer with the company. Find those who have had dealings with the company, both as customers and 'employees' and base your opinions on what you find.

So you may ask, why am I posting all this? Well, like I said, there is a bunch of negative crap being spewed about my business. Yes, MY business. Meaning, Brown Bag Party. I'm wanting to address some of this here, to help any who are looking to do business with me or are looking to start their own business with me as their sponsor. I want to let everyone know where I stand and what I can do for them.

1. I do not steal reps from other companies. Frankly, I don't have time to search and see who is with what company and solisit them to join BBP. I don't have time. And why would I? If they are interested, they know who I am and who I am in businesss with. They can contact me. I don't 'train' my downline to do that either. Yes, I train them to advertise, but not solisit other reps.

2. I train my downline as best as I can when THEY want it. I feel it is important to set up training calls, but I cannot force the person to call in or to check in with me. If that makes it wrong, well, then it's wrong. I'm not going to bend someone's arm to make them want to work their business and give them the tools they need. They receive as much as they are willing to put into it. I'm always available for calls and my downline know this. I do not train my downline to lie. It's never good practice. If you don't know an answer, say so and then try to either find out or direct that person to someone who can answer it for them.

3. I do believe in helping my downline in achieving their goals, IF I know what those goals are. I can't do that if I don't know. My upline is supportive of what I and my downline does. Yes, there is one person who is uppermost. I know the hard work she has put in for it and STILL PUTS IN FOR IT! When I hear complaints about her, it irks me. It really does. She wasn't handed anything. She has worked for it and continues to. Because of the work she has done and continues to do, I have learned more and more of how to make my business a success. When I hear people rip on her, or Brown Bag Party for that matter, it shows me more of a jealous streak than anything.

I simply don't agree with any of the negativity posted on line. I'm one who goes for facts. Frankly, I haven't seen any. I have not seen any of the behavior these people list. Perhaps they are making things up because they are bitter, but I look at it this way. If they are this bitter over something they can't post facts on, but vague things, what's to say they won't do so with the company they are with now? What's to say they won't do that to their sponsors? If you read stuff about legalities, lawsuits, etc, I urge you to delve deeper into it. We are all intelligent people who know how to use the Internet. Research all you can. If you are interested in Brown Bag Party and would like to know what I know, I am willing to share that with you. I run a successful business, am not bitter that there are those who make more than me nor am I going to give you a bunch of false promises and vague answers. A business is what you put into it. If you are new to WHATEVER business you are in, you look for training. If you are not getting what you need, I urge you to contact your sponsor, boss, whatever and get more. It is your right!, I'm going to step off my soap box and tend to other matters. Remember, you can contact me at any time and if I don't have answers for you, I will help you find them either by doing the research myself or helping you find a person who can answer them for you. Blessed day to you all!

BrownBag - Brown Bag - The sensual home party you've been waiting for!

BrownBag - Brown Bag - The sensual home party you've been waiting for!

Brown Bag Party offers $29 Kit!

Did you hear the news?

Are you following me on Facebook or twitter?

Brown Bag Party is offering it's catalog kit for only $29! That's right! Until the end of the year, you can start your own Brown Bag Party business for only $29! And as an added bonus, if you contact me prior to December 31, I'll even pay your shipping! How cool is that?? You can be a proud business owner for only $29! You'd spend that each week on coffee or soda! You can do this!

Message me today! What's holding you back?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wow, It's December!

I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to get on here and update my blog!

I've been gone for the last week up north hunting with my family. I love the flexibility that Brown Bag Party has to offer! I was able to take a vacation without having to worry about 'time off'. Sometimes it's great to be my own boss!

Thanksgiving was superb! My family doesn't do the normal 'turkey' thing. My FIL hates turkey, so each year it's usually been a pork loin roast. This year my MIL did something different. She made spare ribs and boy were they good! Of course, Thanksgiving wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the pumpkin pie and stuffing, so we had them too!

I came back to town this past weekend to party with friends Brown Bag style and it was great! I felt relaxed and back in the groove of things. The rest really did me good.

Now we're moving into December and I got such exciting news from my oldest son! He let us know they were expecting! Can you believe it? I'm going to be a gramma! I feel so old, but I'm not really. My younger sister, who has 4 grandkids now, told me it was about time! I just had to laugh over it! I'm looking forward to spoiling the little one and then sending it home. Boy, I remember those days! Even now, with my youngest, Gramma and Grampa do the same thing. Paybacks, ya know?!

Business is doing very well. This month is starting strong for me and yet I get to take the week before and the week of Christmas off! How lucky is that?! It's all because I OWN my business and am not at the mercy of others to tell me when I have to work. We have scheduled Christmas at our house this year for Dec. 19th. Falls close to Solstice so it will be fantastic! The house looks so good already with all the decorations up. Sure wish I could keep them up all year!

I've surprised Brian, my husband, with his Christmas gift already too. Since his birthday and our anniversary fall so close to Christmas, it's a combination of all three. I bought him a new puppy! He's already training her and she's fitting in nicely with our family! He was so excited and even had tears in his eyes when he first held her. No one has ever done that for him before and I felt even more blessed that I was able to do so with my earnings from my business. It's all worth it! Now, I just wonder what he's going to get me!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where does all the time go?

As I sit here looking at the clock on my computer, I realize that half the day is already gone. Where did all the time go?

Let's recap the day:
6 am - up and having my first cup of coffee
7 am - getting my son off to school
7:10 am -logged into the computer...what was I going to do????
oh, yeah, input orders from last nights party.
7:15 am - side tracked - oldest son stopped over. Always a pleasant surprise, and it's still not
'official' start time.
8:30 am - son leaves and I'm heading out the door to take my dog to the groomers. Man, she
sure needs it!
9:15 am - home and signing back in on computer
9:17 am - What was I going to do????
Oh, yeah, input orders from last nights party
9:18 am - email chimes.....check all email accounts, and answer all emails. Oh, I probably
should check my facebook too.
9:45 am - put in advertising disc and start checking out my recent ads and the activity on them
10:15 am - googled and found new advertising sites
10:30 am - create new online ads for both parties and business opp.
10:50 am - put new ads in new spots
11:30 am - dryer dings, change laundry....check clock again
11:45 am - head out to pick up my dog from the groomer...awwww, what a pretty girl!
12:15 pm - home and getting lunch ready
1:00 pm - training call with my upline
1:45 pm - off call and signed back into the computer...what was I going to do????
OH YES! Input those orders from last nights party
1:48 pm - head changes direction and my blog comes to mind
1:50 pm - What the &#*@ is my password for this blog?????
1:51 pm - figured it out and sign in and here I what was I going to do???

1:59 pm - (that's right now) working on my blog...remembering that I NEED to input those
orders from last nights party!

Don't feel bad! Yeah, it happens to the best of us! I have all afternoon to get the orders in....oh, wait, I've promised to make a batch of cookies!

If this sounds like you, remember, that every once in a while, it's ok to put it off. But working from home takes discipline and will power. It's not all fun and games, and yes, I do work. It may not be outside of the house, but everything I do is work and affects not only my home life, but also my business life as well. Organization is not one of my finer skills, especially here at home, but it's getting better. Mondays, if you believe it, are actually my most productive days for my business. Thursdays....not so much!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Brown Bag Party gets a new rep!

So, when I last left I was talking about how I got started. 1/2 price kit. I purchased my kit 2/22/08. I was officially a new Brown Bag Party Rep! I was so excited to get started! I ordered my first set of business cards and was off running like a horse out of the gate! I told everyone and placed cards everywhere! I wanted to start off HOT! I read all I could get my hands on in the training sites.

My kit came one week after ordering it. Shipped in a plain brown box via Fed Ex. I was like a kid at Christmas opening new presents! Everything was there, right down to the motivational CDs.

I started talking everyone I could think of to get my first show booked. I was nervous and really wondering if I could really do this, now that I come to think of it. I booked my first party for April, not as soon as I would have liked, but it happens that way sometimes. It was held by an
acquaintance of mine and it was HUGE for a first show! I was finally making money! I had made back my investment and had money to spend! WOOHOO!!

It was easy! And almost 2 years later, I'm still a rep for Brown Bag Party and loving every minute of it. Recently, this became my full time job and I love the fact that I can set my own hours, work from home, be here when my son gets home from school, and not have to deal with office drama. It's been the best thing that I've chosen to do. Am I nervous? Yeah, but you know what? I can do it! I have a wonderful upline and the support from other reps is great. Each one shares stuff and motivates me in ways they don't even realize they do.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Brown Bag Party - What is it?

We've all heard of home romance parties. You know, the ones that have things that 'buzz' and we all whisper and giggle and wonder how someone could sell these things. We're all interested in finding out more, but are often afraid to ask.

Well, my name is Deanna and I sell "those" toys!

That's right. I'm an independant rep for Brown Bag Party. What is Brown Bag Party? Brown Bag Party is one of the newest, hottest, home romance party plans out there. From our fantastic spa line to our lingerie, not to mention those things that 'buzz', Brown Bag Party carries it all!

Now, I'm sure you're asking yourself why someone would want to sell these things. I'm here to share my story with you. From when I started looking, to why, to how I chose Brown Bag Party. I want you all to know that it's ok to ask questions and find out more. Brown Bag Party is the answer to all your questions and even some you probably didn't think of.

A brief history:
I started looking into finding new ways to make some extra money for my family about 4+ years ago. That's usually where people start. How can I make some extra money that isn't going to take a lot of time to do, cost me an arm and a leg to get started, and won't make me feel as if I 'have' to work.

I looked into EVERYTHING...from selling insurance (good, but too time consuming) to selling Avon. I signed up for every get rich quick thing you can think of and still didn't have anything to really show for it. Then I attended one of 'those' parties.

It was a different company and I can remember thinking to myself..."Hey, I can do that!" But by the time I wanted to ask the rep questions about the company, she was packed up and gone! The business opportunity never came up in the presentation. Booking a party never came up in the presentation. I can remember that I had a blast with all my friends and wanted to do it again.

Several years passed and during a conversation with a friend, it was decided that we wanted to do a show. I saw an ad online, contacted the rep and booked my first party with her. It was FANTASTIC. Again, this was a different company. My friends had fun and I can remember asking brief questions about the business in the order room, but didn't get a lot of answers.

Time went by and I attend a couple other shows, including having another party with a friend of mine. It was the same rep as I had last time and this time I wanted answers. I knew I could do what she did and be good at it. Partying with friends? Yup, I can definately do that! So I asked questions and was invited to a meeting.

I can remember her telling me not to look into too much with this company. I didn't know why until after the meeting. It was then that she shared with me the information she was given about Brown Bag Party. I looked up the information on line and read all I could on the company.

Now, I wanted a few things. First, I wanted to make money, as much as possible without it costing me an arm and a leg. I wanted to be able to have down time. I wanted the flexiblity without the rigid requirements that some companies give. You know, like sales quotas, fees, recruiting quotas and so on. Brown Bag Party's website said there were NONE of those. This was a positive in my book. It said it offered 50% in commissions on all sales. Bonus! All sales! Including website sales! More of a Bonus! It even created my own website for me, so it was something else I didn't have to do! The start up kits started at $89 and with this kit it was still 50% commission! Now, if you're like me, it's all about the money. Yeah, getting out of the house is a plus, meeting new people is a plus, it the cha-ching is more important.

So I kept reading. I shared it all with my husband, because if he wasn't on board for this, it would be a struggle to make it work. He told me it was up to me, but he didn't want me to fail. Fail? Even if I didn't make a huge amount of money and even if I left, the goodies were ALL MINE! So I really weighed all the benefits for this company compared to others, and what it could do for my family with the extra money. That's when I got the call.

Brown Bag Party was offering a kit sale! Woo Hoo! Get the basic kit at 1/2 price. Yeah, baby!!! It was on!

More to come......