Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wow, It's December!

I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to get on here and update my blog!

I've been gone for the last week up north hunting with my family. I love the flexibility that Brown Bag Party has to offer! I was able to take a vacation without having to worry about 'time off'. Sometimes it's great to be my own boss!

Thanksgiving was superb! My family doesn't do the normal 'turkey' thing. My FIL hates turkey, so each year it's usually been a pork loin roast. This year my MIL did something different. She made spare ribs and boy were they good! Of course, Thanksgiving wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the pumpkin pie and stuffing, so we had them too!

I came back to town this past weekend to party with friends Brown Bag style and it was great! I felt relaxed and back in the groove of things. The rest really did me good.

Now we're moving into December and I got such exciting news from my oldest son! He let us know they were expecting! Can you believe it? I'm going to be a gramma! I feel so old, but I'm not really. My younger sister, who has 4 grandkids now, told me it was about time! I just had to laugh over it! I'm looking forward to spoiling the little one and then sending it home. Boy, I remember those days! Even now, with my youngest, Gramma and Grampa do the same thing. Paybacks, ya know?!

Business is doing very well. This month is starting strong for me and yet I get to take the week before and the week of Christmas off! How lucky is that?! It's all because I OWN my business and am not at the mercy of others to tell me when I have to work. We have scheduled Christmas at our house this year for Dec. 19th. Falls close to Solstice so it will be fantastic! The house looks so good already with all the decorations up. Sure wish I could keep them up all year!

I've surprised Brian, my husband, with his Christmas gift already too. Since his birthday and our anniversary fall so close to Christmas, it's a combination of all three. I bought him a new puppy! He's already training her and she's fitting in nicely with our family! He was so excited and even had tears in his eyes when he first held her. No one has ever done that for him before and I felt even more blessed that I was able to do so with my earnings from my business. It's all worth it! Now, I just wonder what he's going to get me!

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