Friday, June 11, 2010

I want that vibe, but......

Looking at vibrators and not sure what you really want? Just like shoes, not every vibrator is for every woman (or man). Each of us has our own taste in what we like and what we are looking for this toy to do. When you start looking or even thinking about a new toy, there are a few questions you want to ask yourself.
What do you want to use it for?
Do you want to use it on your clitoris? If this is the only thing you want to use it for, a bullet is the right choice. Bullets come in lots of different sizes, just like most vibrators and can be single speed or multi-speed with a pulse.

Do you want to put it in your vagina or anus? There are numerous types of vibrators that are designed for one or the other or both. If this is what you are looking for, you can also go for a straight dildo (non-vibrating). When thinking about insertion, you also need to think about size. Do you want big, small, in between? Since just about anything that vibrates feels good on or around the clitoris, phallic-shaped vibrators suitable for penetration can also be used outside the vagina if the vibration is strong at the tip. While there are vibrating sex toys made especially for anal use, most are not, so it's best to get one specifically designed for anal play if that's what you fancy.

Do you want both the full feeling of penetration and that all-important clitoral buzz? If this is what you’re looking for, there are numerous vibrators that have clitoral stimulators that will give you that all important ‘buzz’ along with penetration.
How strong do you want your vibration to be?
If you’ve never had a vibrator before, this is a hard question to answer. If you don’t know there are things you can purchase that will work, such as a multi-speed toy. These have low to high vibrations and can be used on low if that’s what you prefer or experimented with until you find the vibration that works for you.
How big do you want it to be?
Bullets and vibrators alike come in various sizes. You can get everything from purse size minis to larger phallic shaped vibrators that are very life like, to the ultimate LARGE sized toy. This is totally up to you. It’s what you like and what you are looking for. If you are looking for a more discreet toy, the purse size might be what you are looking for. You can also get toys that are not phallic shaped.
How much do you want to spend?
Like all things, what you are willing to spend is one of the questions to ask yourself. Big investment or small? There are vibrators and bullets in all price ranges for everyone. Not sure? Why not start small and then upgrade further along? This is a question that no one can help you with.
What's your aesthetic?
What do you like? Color? Size? Price? Does it ‘tickle your fancy’ just looking at it? As women, we like things that look nice and are functional. If it doesn’t look good to you, are you going to use it? Is it worth the money you invest if it’s not pleasing to the eye? Again, these are questions only you can answer.

Finally, when you start looking at vibrators, dildos or bullets one thing to remember is you can’t handle the product or get a ‘feel’ of the vibrations at an adult store. You can only do that at a romance party. Brown Bag Party prides itself in letting women handle the product to see if its what they like or not. NO, not like THAT! But we do allow you to hold it in your hand and feel the intensity of the vibration and the feel of the material of the toy. Consultants are also well aware of the questions that arise and can answer most of them for you with great discretion. Can you imagine asking the clerk at the local adult store if the toy vibrates very high? Especially if it’s a guy. Would you ask him the questions that you really want to know? Would he open a triple stimulating vibrator and put batteries in it for you to see how the beads twirl? You’d get a look of “yeah right”. You can only get that type of service at an adult romance party.
Never been to an adult romance party? Why not schedule a Brown Bag Party today and get all your questions answered. Visit my website today to request information on hosting a party. I can always find you a consultant in your area.