Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

With the eve of Christmas here, I want to reflect on the past year and where it stood in my life.  Many changes happened this past year, not all good.  It's time to look back at them and decide how I want them to affect my life and the year to come.  Will I make them experiences that I learn from, or will I allow them to be negativity in my life? 

Ah, yes, that is the question most people ask themselves each year. And each year, people make resolutions to change their life when the new year rolls around.  Unfortunately, most people never stick to those resolutions.  Making a commitment is one thing, seeing it through is quite another.  You need determination and drive for that.  Will power so to speak.  The great Vince Lombardi said..."The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will". 

Will, what exactly is it and how can I use it in my life?  How do I make it stronger if I realize it's weak?  I'm sure many are like me and have great will power.  That last cookie, that last piece of cake, that chocolate craving we give into and then reason it out with, well, next time.  This is all will power.  If I continually give in to my chocolate craving, my will power is not where I want it to be.  And this is overflowing into other areas of my life.  Including my business.

I googled 'how to increase your will power' and came up with so many different ideas, from palmtherapy to brushing your teeth with your non-dominate hand.  Hey, anything is worth a try and anything worth having is worth fighting for.  I truly believe this.  So this year, for the next few weeks, I'm going to try something new to help increase my will power.  I have goals for the coming year and many of them do revolve around my being able to overcome my it food, drink, cigarettes, or even laziness, I want to overcome them.  By phrasing it this way, it's easier to work for, to strive for.  If I were to say, "I'm going to lose all this weight this year", well, to me, that is a daunting task.  But if I approach it with "I'm going to strive to overcome this food craving" it sounds easier.  It's all how you approach it.  Make your dreams come true in an approachable manner.  Power of words, so to speak.

As we step into the coming year, I leave you with this thought.  How are you going to overcome your shortgivings this year?  Are you a goal setter, and are they realistic or fanatical dreams?  Do you have steps in place as to how you will acheive them?  A outline of what you want for your life this coming year?  Have you evaluated your life lately and determined you want it to change?  If you have, remember, change starts within.  YOU have to take the steps and do the work.  It won't change unless you do.  You can do it!  I know I can, and I know it's going to be a long road to be where I want to be, but I also have that road map.

My goals for this year are simple.  I want to overcome my food cravings, overcome my body image, and improve my financial life through my business.  I can do it, it's all a matter of stepping up and facing whatever fear there is with it.  W. Clement Stone says it best....
"No matter how carefully you plan your goals, they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto".  Create a mantra to use each day.  "I am an achiever.  I am wealthy beyond measure.  I have strong will power.  I am a beautiful, intelligent, and wealthy person.  I can achieve all things"

Happy holidays to all and may the new year see a new you! 

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