Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where does all the time go?

As I sit here looking at the clock on my computer, I realize that half the day is already gone. Where did all the time go?

Let's recap the day:
6 am - up and having my first cup of coffee
7 am - getting my son off to school
7:10 am -logged into the computer...what was I going to do????
oh, yeah, input orders from last nights party.
7:15 am - side tracked - oldest son stopped over. Always a pleasant surprise, and it's still not
'official' start time.
8:30 am - son leaves and I'm heading out the door to take my dog to the groomers. Man, she
sure needs it!
9:15 am - home and signing back in on computer
9:17 am - What was I going to do????
Oh, yeah, input orders from last nights party
9:18 am - email chimes.....check all email accounts, and answer all emails. Oh, I probably
should check my facebook too.
9:45 am - put in advertising disc and start checking out my recent ads and the activity on them
10:15 am - googled and found new advertising sites
10:30 am - create new online ads for both parties and business opp.
10:50 am - put new ads in new spots
11:30 am - dryer dings, change laundry....check clock again
11:45 am - head out to pick up my dog from the groomer...awwww, what a pretty girl!
12:15 pm - home and getting lunch ready
1:00 pm - training call with my upline
1:45 pm - off call and signed back into the computer...what was I going to do????
OH YES! Input those orders from last nights party
1:48 pm - head changes direction and my blog comes to mind
1:50 pm - What the &#*@ is my password for this blog?????
1:51 pm - figured it out and sign in and here I what was I going to do???

1:59 pm - (that's right now) working on my blog...remembering that I NEED to input those
orders from last nights party!

Don't feel bad! Yeah, it happens to the best of us! I have all afternoon to get the orders in....oh, wait, I've promised to make a batch of cookies!

If this sounds like you, remember, that every once in a while, it's ok to put it off. But working from home takes discipline and will power. It's not all fun and games, and yes, I do work. It may not be outside of the house, but everything I do is work and affects not only my home life, but also my business life as well. Organization is not one of my finer skills, especially here at home, but it's getting better. Mondays, if you believe it, are actually my most productive days for my business. Thursdays....not so much!

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