Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Where did all the bitterness come from??

I've spent the last few hours googling Brown Bag Party and placing on line ads where I didn't have any. I came across some nasty stuff and wanted to reply to it, but decided the best place to do so was here. That way, I'm not stuck in the middle of a nasty debate and getting myself all riled up.

So, to dispel all the crap that is going around on line, here are some thoughts to help you distinguish truth from crap.

1. Where are the facts?
Most of the time when you see negative stuff floating around online, there are no facts to back them up. Sure they will keep saying 'they' as a whole, but who exactly are they? Where are the facts to back up what they are saying. Where formal complaints filed? Do they have copies of them or are they just blowing off steam?
2. If they left, why all the negativity?
Now I know that it's easy to get wrapped up in being upset over something that happened. I've had a very rough week (one reason for no posts), but it doesn't do anything but keep the pot stirred, so to speak, when you keep posting negative stuff. If you left, leave it at that. If you are concerned for others, fine, but there is a way to post your concern so as not to come off as a negative nilly.
3. If you say negative crap about some company that upsets you, how do I know you won't say it about me if I upset you?
It all comes down to the same ol' school yard stuff. You tick me off, I talk about you badly behind your back, and so the circle starts. It's a never ending circle. There is always 3 sides to every story....his/hers/truth. And it's not always easy to find the third.
4. Where can I find the truth?
This is probably the hardest for you to find. Sometimes you need to form your own opinion but base it on fact. What is being sprouted on line, especially when it comes from an unreptutable site, is biased and not fact. So where do you go for fact? Easy, find information on companies in sites that deal with finacials,and that kind of stuff such as
This will give you an overview of the company as a whole. Remember, people make up the company, and with any company you will have that bad apple that gives it a sour taste in your mouth. But most of the time, that bad apple has already fallen off the tree and is rotting on the ground. In other words, they are no longer with the company. Find those who have had dealings with the company, both as customers and 'employees' and base your opinions on what you find.

So you may ask, why am I posting all this? Well, like I said, there is a bunch of negative crap being spewed about my business. Yes, MY business. Meaning, Brown Bag Party. I'm wanting to address some of this here, to help any who are looking to do business with me or are looking to start their own business with me as their sponsor. I want to let everyone know where I stand and what I can do for them.

1. I do not steal reps from other companies. Frankly, I don't have time to search and see who is with what company and solisit them to join BBP. I don't have time. And why would I? If they are interested, they know who I am and who I am in businesss with. They can contact me. I don't 'train' my downline to do that either. Yes, I train them to advertise, but not solisit other reps.

2. I train my downline as best as I can when THEY want it. I feel it is important to set up training calls, but I cannot force the person to call in or to check in with me. If that makes it wrong, well, then it's wrong. I'm not going to bend someone's arm to make them want to work their business and give them the tools they need. They receive as much as they are willing to put into it. I'm always available for calls and my downline know this. I do not train my downline to lie. It's never good practice. If you don't know an answer, say so and then try to either find out or direct that person to someone who can answer it for them.

3. I do believe in helping my downline in achieving their goals, IF I know what those goals are. I can't do that if I don't know. My upline is supportive of what I and my downline does. Yes, there is one person who is uppermost. I know the hard work she has put in for it and STILL PUTS IN FOR IT! When I hear complaints about her, it irks me. It really does. She wasn't handed anything. She has worked for it and continues to. Because of the work she has done and continues to do, I have learned more and more of how to make my business a success. When I hear people rip on her, or Brown Bag Party for that matter, it shows me more of a jealous streak than anything.

I simply don't agree with any of the negativity posted on line. I'm one who goes for facts. Frankly, I haven't seen any. I have not seen any of the behavior these people list. Perhaps they are making things up because they are bitter, but I look at it this way. If they are this bitter over something they can't post facts on, but vague things, what's to say they won't do so with the company they are with now? What's to say they won't do that to their sponsors? If you read stuff about legalities, lawsuits, etc, I urge you to delve deeper into it. We are all intelligent people who know how to use the Internet. Research all you can. If you are interested in Brown Bag Party and would like to know what I know, I am willing to share that with you. I run a successful business, am not bitter that there are those who make more than me nor am I going to give you a bunch of false promises and vague answers. A business is what you put into it. If you are new to WHATEVER business you are in, you look for training. If you are not getting what you need, I urge you to contact your sponsor, boss, whatever and get more. It is your right!, I'm going to step off my soap box and tend to other matters. Remember, you can contact me at any time and if I don't have answers for you, I will help you find them either by doing the research myself or helping you find a person who can answer them for you. Blessed day to you all!


  1. Well said! I know this was written several months ago, but I ran into the same problem. The same exact week actually, as I signed up on 12/21/09. I'd never thought to do any type of home parties EVER...I signed up for the discount to tell you the truth! LOL ~It is just taken off for me all on it's own...i've already started building a team of my own & am making almost as much money as my full time hotel sales job! I will defend the company 100%...I'm just LOVING this!!

  2. my name cut off and should be Brown Bag Parties by Chelle...I don't want to be mistaken for the official speaker for the company! lol
