Thursday, April 22, 2010

Older People Have Sex Too!

When I first started to write this article, I was only going to write about the changes in the body as we age and the sex that comes with it. Due to my research, my article has changed to include much more.
The population of older people in this country is on the rise. When I say older, I’m talking those 45 and older. Us older generation are still sexually active and have different needs than the younger generation. If you fall into that 45+ crowd, you know what I’m talking about. It’s more than the worry of pregnancy. It’s the physical changes in our bodies.
At this age, we, as women, realize that we are beginning to have wrinkles. Our skin loses its elasticity and firmness. It’s a prominate fact. Commercials on TV show us what products are best to use to help firm our face, our neck and our body. Promotions are abundant in skin care and hair care. But these commercials don’t tell us the other changes that are going on in our bodies.

At this age, we are on the verge (if not already there) of menopause. We stop ovulating, having our periods, and the extra flow of estrogen in our bodies. Commercials don’t talk about what else is going on with us. We begin to question why we don’t enjoy sex as often, why it’s more difficult to have sex and even to orgasm. We lose touch with our bodies because we don’t like or even fully understand what is going on inside of us. Our mothers had ‘the talk’ when we began to have our periods or even earlier than that, but the talk of what happens to us when all that stops was never there. We don’t have someone who is willing to help us understand what is going on now. And there is SO MUCH going on!

Our sex drive doesn’t really dwindle, it changes. And change is good! The biggest change in our bodies is with our vagina. It becomes shorter and more narrow. In addition, without regular supplies of estrogen, the walls of the vagina can become thin and stiff. This leads to vaginal dryness. Many older women also report slower response to mental or physical sexual stimulation; a longer time to become sufficiently aroused; or, in severe cases, a total lack of interest in or revulsion to sex. Decreased interest in sex may be temporary or long term, but surgical removal of the ovaries (due to cancer, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, or other reasons) can cause these changes to be sudden and sometimes devastating. Numerous drugs, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are known to cause reduced sexual interest. On top of this, the lower systemic availability of testosterone, the key promoter of desire in both women and men, can cause less interest in sex.
The good news is that researchers say there are no differences between premenopausal and postmenopausal women when it comes to being physically able to get sexually aroused. When researchers have looked at vaginal congestion — increased blood circulation to the walls of the vagina, which is a marker of sexual arousal — in response to erotic stimulation, they have found that older women are just as able to become aroused when they are sexually stimulated as are younger women are.

There are studies that show that for postmenopausal women, that is, women after they’ve stopped having their periods, if they don’t have a regular partner with whom they have regular sex with orgasm, that masturbation to orgasm – listen to this – will promote the health of the urinary tract and their genital tract and it will keep them sexually able to be responsive and healthy so in case they get a new partner they will be able to have good healthy enjoyable sex. How do you like that? So it will keep them sexually able and ready for the next partner to come along. And if you think that older people don’t fall in love, take my word for it, By the way, as a last comment here, this is true for men too, so if you are a man, and you don’t have a partner, and you’re getting older, it is important to keep your sex organs healthy and working and your orgasms coming and coming so that should you find a new partner it will work for you when that person comes. Because it’s actually true that if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.

Practicing masturbation techniques can help remedy some of these problems by stimulating the brain to produce physical changes in the vagina. "Masturbation, which may include stimulation of the clitoris, urethra, and vagina, activates various neural pathways responsible for clitoral swelling, vaginal congestion, lengthening of the vagina, and lubrication," says Cathy K. Naughton, MD, director of the Metropolitan Urological Specialists' Center for Sexual Health in St. Louis. Many women and sex therapists report the reality of the use-it-or-lose-it factor: regular sex, either with a partner, through masturbation, or a combination of the two, definitely helps keep vaginal tissues more supple and moist. Extended sex play before insertion is always helpful even if discomfort isn’t severe. Liberal use of a water soluble lubricant is often enough to make intercourse more comfortable. Having intercourse after a long time without it can be painful or impossible, but don’t give up. You may need to work up to it.
Masturbation isn’t just a crutch to use in place of partner sex. It is a self-affirming sexual activity and is eminently useful in helping to discover different routes to sexual pleasure. In national studies, up to 40 percent of women report that they masturbate on a regular basis, but this incidence may be lower for older women. Many older women may remember being discouraged (or even punished) for masturbating as children, and may still be reluctant to engage in this pleasurable sexual activity. Brown Bag Party carries a large selection of aids for first timers and for those who are ‘pros’.

Masturbation has several healthy benefits for the body. Here is a listing of some:
Health Benefits for Females
    *Provides a healthy sexual outlet for people who choose to abstain from sex with partners or who do not currently have available sexual partners
    *Increases blood flow to the genital region, which can help overall sexual functioning
    *It can help teach you how to achieve orgasm
    *Building resistance to yeast infections - While it’s general knowledge that regular masturbation can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men, studies are showing that female masturbation can also provide protection against cervical infections because when women masturbate, the orgasm “tents” or opens the cervix.
    *Helps with urinary tract infections - Masturbating helps relieve pain and it flushes the old bacteria from the cervix. It’s the body’s way of getting the
    *Improved cardiovascular health and lower risk of type-2 diabetes. In a number of studies, women who experienced more orgasms, and overall greater frequency and satisfaction with sex — whether with a partner or not — were shown to have greater resistance to coronary heart disease (CHD) and type-2 diabetes
    *Can help work against insomnia naturally - Hormonal and tension release. Many women masturbate as a means to wind down after a hectic day or to fall asleep at night, but they often don’t know that there’s a hormonal reason why it works. Dopamine, or the “feel-good” hormone, is on the rise during the anticipation of a sexual climax. After the climax, the calming hormones oxytocin and endorphins are released, making us feel the warm afterglow that helps us sleep.
    *Orgasm increases pelvic floor strength - There are so many benefits to having a healthy pelvic floor. In the “plateau” stage of orgasm, the pelvic floor gets a real workout. The clitoris surges with increased blood pressure. Muscle tone, heart rate, and respirations increase. The uterus “lifts” off the pelvic floor, increasing pelvic muscle tension. This strengthens the entire region, as well as your sexual satisfaction.
    *Combating pre-menstrual tension and other physical conditions associated with their menstrual cycles, like cramps.
    *Relieving painful menstruation by increasing blood flow to the pelvic region. This will also reduce pelvic cramping and related backaches.
    *Relieving chronic back pain and increasing her threshold for pain.
    *Improves our mood - Masturbation helps relieve depressive emotions. As we become aroused, the hormone levels of dopamine and epinephrine soar in our bodies. Both of these hormones are mood-boosters.
    *Relieves stress - In her book For Yourself, noted sex therapist Lonnie Barbach explains that the stress resulting from avoiding sex can create body imbalances. She writes that masturbation can help relieve emotional stress by taking time for ourselves, amidst the demands of home, family, and work.
    *Strengthens our relationship with ourselves - When we know, love, and nurture ourselves on emotional and physical levels, we gain confidence and grow through self-awareness. Being able to recognize, articulate, and experience what brings pleasure is a powerful step toward fulfillment.
    *Strengthens sexual relationship with partner - Many couples have different sexual drives and needs. Masturbation is one way to meet personal needs not met by a partner. It can be shared with a partner. Witnessing a partner masturbate can teach us what methods our partners use so we can learn what they enjoy. It can also open the lines of communication between partners who otherwise might be assuming that the “routine” is still working.
    *Regular sexual activity boosts the production of the vital hormones estrogen and testosterone that strengthen bones and muscles

Middle-aged and older adults no longer accept such myths as "Sex is only for young people" and "Sex isn't important to older adults." A study, "Sexuality at Midlife and Beyond," conducted by AARP, illustrates this. According to AARP, 85% of men and women age 60+ report having at least one sexual experience (with another person) per week.
These are some of the findings:
*Five out of six of the respondents disagreed with the statement that "Sex is only for younger people."
*Six out of 10 people stated that sexual activity was a crucial part of a good relationship.
*Only 10% of adults reported that they don't particularly enjoy sex, and just 12% agreed that they would be quite happy never having sex again.
So, where does that leave us? Well, sexual activity is like riding a bike. You never forget how to do it, but if you don’t continue to be active in it, you’re rusty. As stated above, the use it or lose it phrase is true. The more you ‘flex’ those muscles, the stronger they get. If you continue to work out any other portion of your body, it gets stronger and healthier. The same is true with your pelvic muscles. If you don’t use them for a long period of time, they get lazy and don’t function as they are suppose to. You can now see why I changed the article to include masturbation. It not only FEELS good, but is healthy for the female body. And we all want to be healthy, right?? Masturbation is classified as to stimulate yourself in a sexual way. This can be done by hand, or with sex aids. Brown Bag Party carries a wide collection of adult aids for both men and women, not to mention lubes that are also needed. Our collection has everything for first timers to ‘pros’. And always remember, you can shop in the comfort of your own home.
In closing this article, please remember, if you have any questions feel free to drop me a line.

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